Ira J. Baker


We found no record of Ira J. Baker serving in elected office in Indiana. Our database only focuses on state and federal offices, so it's possible they served at a different level, or in an office not currently in our database.


1904–Attorney General LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 8, 1904
Charles W. Miller (i)*, Republican, 360,487 votes
Joseph Hooker Shea, Democratic, 273,134 votes
William A. Swank, Prohibition, 22,825 votes
Peter La Belle, Socialist, 11,152 votes
Silas M. Holcomb, People's (Populist), 2,075 votes
Ira J. Baker, Socialist Labor, 1,465 votes
Out of 671,138 votes casts, the margin of victory was 87,353 (13.01%)
1908–Treasurer of State LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 3, 1908
Oscar C. Hadley (i)*, Republican, 339,744 votes
John Isenbarger, Jr., Democratic, 338,907 votes
William H. Crowder, Prohibition, 17,002 votes
Wilson Cory, Socialist, 12,316 votes
Aaron McDonald, People's (Populist), 1,043 votes
Ira J. Baker, Socialist Labor, 599 votes
Harley R. Snyder, Independence, 403 votes
Out of 710,014 votes casts, the margin of victory was 837 (0.12%)
1910–Attorney General LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 8, 1910
Thomas Michael Honan*, Democratic, 295,039 votes
Finley T. Mount, Republican, 282,173 votes
Lamont E. Jones, Socialist, 18,995 votes
Charles F. Holler, Prohibition, 16,432 votes
Ira J. Baker, Socialist Labor, 2,805 votes
Out of 615,444 votes casts, the margin of victory was 12,866 (2.09%)
1912–Lieutenant Governor LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 5, 1912
William P. O'Neill*, Democratic, 275,666 votes
Frederick Landis, Progressive (Bull Moose), 156,798 votes
Thomas Taylor Moore, Republican, 147,481 votes
Samuel S. Condo, Socialist, 35,796 votes
Albert Jackman, Prohibition, 18,579 votes
Ira J. Baker, Socialist Labor, 2,881 votes
Out of 637,201 votes casts, the margin of victory was 118,868 (18.65%)
1916–U.S. Senate (Class 1) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 7, 1916
Harry Stewart New*, Republican, 337,089 votes
John Worth Kern (i), Democratic, 325,588 votes
Joseph Zimmerman, Socialist, 21,558 votes
Elwood Haynes, Prohibition, 15,598 votes
John Napier Dyer, Progressive (Bull Moose), 4,272 votes
Ira J. Baker, Socialist Labor, 1,562 votes
Out of 705,667 votes casts, the margin of victory was 11,501 (1.63%)
In the 5 races for which we have results, Ira J. Baker had a record of 0-5. That includes a record of 0-5 in 5 general elections.