Cleo Washington


Indiana Senate
District 10
In office
Nov 6, 1996 to Nov 8, 2000

Party: Democratic
Assumed: General Election
Left: Did Not Run
Cleo Washington spent 4 years, 3 days in office in Indiana, all of it at the state level.


1998–Treasurer of State LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 3, 1998
Tim Berry*, Republican, 812,904 votes
Cleo Washington, Democratic, 638,078 votes
Leona McPherson, Libertarian, 56,575 votes
Out of 1,507,557 votes casts, the margin of victory was 174,826 (11.59%)
In the 1 races for which we have results, Cleo Washington had a record of 0-1. That includes a record of 0-1 in 1 general election.