Claude Raymond Wickard

Notable Facts

  • Served as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (Under President Franklin Roosevelt/Harry Truman) from 1940-1945


Indiana Senate
Carroll, Clinton, White Counties
In office
Nov 9, 1932 to Aug 1, 1933

Party: Democratic
Assumed: General Election
Left: Resigned
Claude Raymond Wickard spent 8 months, 25 days in office in Indiana, all of it at the state level.


1956–U.S. Senate (Class 3) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 6, 1956
Homer Capehart (i)*, Republican, 1,084,262 votes
Claude Raymond Wickard, Democratic, 871,781 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 6,685 votes
Gordon A. Long, Socialist Labor, 1,258 votes
Out of 1,963,986 votes casts, the margin of victory was 212,481 (10.82%)
In the 1 races for which we have results, Claude Raymond Wickard had a record of 0-1. That includes a record of 0-1 in 1 general election.