Carl W. Thompson


We found no record of Carl W. Thompson serving in elected office in Indiana. Our database only focuses on state and federal offices, so it's possible they served at a different level, or in an office not currently in our database.


1916–U.S. House (District 8) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 7, 1916
Albert H. Vestal*, Republican, 26,135 votes
Jacob F. Denny, Democratic, 23,854 votes
W. S. Whiting, Prohibition, 2,348 votes
Fred S. Hurlburt, Socialist, 1,753 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Progressive (Bull Moose), 332 votes
Out of 54,422 votes casts, the margin of victory was 2,281 (4.19%)
1940–U.S. Senate (Class 1) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 5, 1940
Raymond Eugene Willis*, Republican, 888,070 votes
Sherman Minton (i), Democratic, 864,803 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 5,621 votes
John H. Kingsbury, Socialist, 1,751 votes
Out of 1,760,245 votes casts, the margin of victory was 23,267 (1.32%)
1944–U.S. Senate (Class 3) LOST
Special Election–Tuesday, November 7, 1944
William Ezra Jenner*, Republican, 857,250 votes
Cornelius O'Brien, Democratic, 775,417 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 12,349 votes
Out of 1,645,016 votes casts, the margin of victory was 81,833 (4.97%)
1946–U.S. House (District 10) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 5, 1946
Raymond Springer (i)*, Republican, 70,969 votes
Frank C. Unger, Democratic, 44,807 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 3,913 votes
Out of 119,689 votes casts, the margin of victory was 26,162 (21.85%)
1947–U.S. House (District 10) LOST
Special Election–Tuesday, November 4, 1947
Enoch Ralph Harvey*, Republican, 54,718 votes
Frank A. Hanley, Democratic, 44,641 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 2,477 votes
Out of 101,836 votes casts, the margin of victory was 10,077 (9.89%)
1950–U.S. House (District 10) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 7, 1950
Enoch Ralph Harvey (i)*, Republican, 81,392 votes
Vernon J. Dwyer, Democratic, 56,149 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 1,199 votes
Out of 138,740 votes casts, the margin of victory was 25,243 (18.20%)
1952–U.S. Senate (Class 1) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 4, 1952
William Ezra Jenner (i)*, Republican, 1,020,605 votes
Henry Frederick Schricker, Democratic, 911,169 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 12,734 votes
Carl Leon Eddy, United States Progressive Party, 891 votes
John Marion Morris, Socialist Labor, 719 votes
Out of 1,946,118 votes casts, the margin of victory was 109,436 (5.62%)
1956–U.S. Senate (Class 3) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 6, 1956
Homer Capehart (i)*, Republican, 1,084,262 votes
Claude Raymond Wickard, Democratic, 871,781 votes
Carl W. Thompson, Prohibition, 6,685 votes
Gordon A. Long, Socialist Labor, 1,258 votes
Out of 1,963,986 votes casts, the margin of victory was 212,481 (10.82%)
In the 8 races for which we have results, Carl W. Thompson had a record of 0-8. That includes a record of 0-6 in 6 general elections, and 0-2 in 2 special elections.