Scott Wise


We found no record of Scott Wise serving in elected office in Indiana. Our database only focuses on state and federal offices, so it's possible they served at a different level, or in an office not currently in our database.


2008–U.S. House (District 3) LOST
Republican Primary–Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Mark Souder (i)*, Republican, 40,161 votes
Scott Wise, Republican, 11,946 votes
Out of 52,107 votes casts, the margin of victory was 28,215 (54.14%)
2010–U.S. House (District 3) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Marlin Stutzman*, Republican, 116,140 votes
Thomas Hayhurst, Democratic, 61,267 votes
Scott Wise, Libertarian, 7,631 votes
Tom Metzger, Write-In, 10 votes
Wes Stephens, Write-In, 1 votes
Out of 185,049 votes casts, the margin of victory was 54,873 (29.65%)
2010–U.S. House (District 3) LOST
Special Election–Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Marlin Stutzman*, Republican, 115,415 votes
Thomas Hayhurst, Democratic, 60,880 votes
Scott Wise, Libertarian, 7,914 votes
Out of 184,209 votes casts, the margin of victory was 54,535 (29.60%)
2014–U.S. House (District 3) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Marlin Stutzman (i)*, Republican, 97,892 votes
Justin Kuhnle, Democratic, 39,771 votes
Scott Wise, Libertarian, 11,130 votes
Out of 148,793 votes casts, the margin of victory was 58,121 (39.06%)
In the 4 races for which we have results, Scott Wise had a record of 0-4. That includes a record of 0-2 in 2 general elections, 0-1 in 1 primary election, and 0-1 in 1 special election.