Henry C. Pitts


We found no record of Henry C. Pitts serving in elected office in Indiana. Our database only focuses on state and federal offices, so it's possible they served at a different level, or in an office not currently in our database.


1896–Secretary of State LOST
General Election–Sunday, November 8, 1896
William D. Owen (i)*, Republican, 320,854 votes
Samuel M. Ralston, Democratic, 294,748 votes
Silas M. Holcomb, People's (Populist), 8,665 votes
Henry C. Pitts, Prohibition, 3,006 votes
James E. Ellsworth, National, 2,476 votes
Frederick Adams, Socialist, 261 votes
Out of 630,010 votes casts, the margin of victory was 26,106 (4.15%)
1900–U.S. House (District 6) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 6, 1900
James E. Watson (i)*, Republican, 24,203 votes
David W. McKee, Democratic, 21,320 votes
Henry C. Pitts, Prohibition, 947 votes
John Nipp, People's (Populist), 36 votes
Out of 46,506 votes casts, the margin of victory was 2,883 (6.20%)
In the 2 races for which we have results, Henry C. Pitts had a record of 0-2. That includes a record of 0-2 in 2 general elections.