Strother Madison Stockslager


Indiana Senate
Crawford, Harrison Counties
In office
Nov 4, 1874 to Nov 6, 1878

Party: Democratic
Assumed: General Election
U.S. House
District 3
In office
Mar 4, 1881 to Mar 4, 1885

Party: Democratic
Assumed: General Election
Left: Lost Renomination Bid
Strother Madison Stockslager spent 8 years, 4 days in office in Indiana, including 4 years, 1 day at the federal level and 4 years, 3 days at the state level.


1894–U.S. House (District 3) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 6, 1894
Robert J. Tracewell*, Republican, 19,709 votes
Strother Madison Stockslager, Democratic, 19,153 votes
Frank M. Garriott, People's (Populist), 1,109 votes
Samuel Pfrimmer, Prohibition, 250 votes
Out of 40,221 votes casts, the margin of victory was 556 (1.38%)
In the 1 races for which we have results, Strother Madison Stockslager had a record of 0-1. That includes a record of 0-1 in 1 general election.