Robin Shackleford


Indiana House
District 98
In office
Nov 7, 2012 to Present

Party: Democratic
Assumed: General Election
Robin Shackleford spent 12 years, 3 months, 21 days in office in Indiana, all of it at the state level.


2010–Indiana Senate (District 29) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Robin Shackleford*, Democratic, 3,335 votes
James Litton, Democratic, 1,010 votes
Out of 4,345 votes casts, the margin of victory was 2,325 (53.50%)
2010–Indiana Senate (District 29) LOST
General Election–Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Mike Delph (i)*, Republican, 22,498 votes
Robin Shackleford, Democratic, 15,532 votes
Out of 38,030 votes casts, the margin of victory was 6,966 (18.32%)
2012–Indiana House (District 98) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Robin Shackleford*, Democratic, 3,797 votes
Out of 3,797 votes casts, the margin of victory was 3,797 (100.00%)
2012–Indiana House (District 98) WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Robin Shackleford*, Democratic, 18,521 votes
Out of 18,521 votes casts, the margin of victory was 18,521 (100.00%)
2014–Indiana House (District 98) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 1,956 votes
Out of 1,956 votes casts, the margin of victory was 1,956 (100.00%)
2014–Indiana House (District 98) WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 6,520 votes
Bill Levin, Libertarian, 788 votes
Out of 7,308 votes casts, the margin of victory was 5,732 (78.44%)
2016–Indiana House (District 98) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 6,690 votes
Out of 6,690 votes casts, the margin of victory was 6,690 (100.00%)
2016–Indiana House (District 98) WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 16,344 votes
Gary Whitmore, Republican, 3,744 votes
Out of 20,088 votes casts, the margin of victory was 12,600 (62.72%)
2018–Indiana House (District 98) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 3,548 votes
Nichole M. Thomas, Democratic, 547 votes
Out of 4,095 votes casts, the margin of victory was 3,001 (73.28%)
2018–Indiana House (District 98) WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 13,699 votes
Out of 13,699 votes casts, the margin of victory was 13,699 (100.00%)
2020–Indiana House (District 98) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 4,617 votes
Edwin Lewis Jones, Democratic, 807 votes
Bob Hidalgo Kern, Democratic, 306 votes
Out of 5,730 votes casts, the margin of victory was 3,810 (66.49%)
2020–Indiana House (District 98) WON
General Election–Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Robin Shackleford*, Democratic, 17,813 votes
Out of 17,813 votes casts, the margin of victory was 17,813 (100.00%)
2022–Indiana House (District 98) WON
Democratic Primary–Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Robin Shackleford (i)*, Democratic, 2,639 votes
Lt. Governor: Vacant
Out of 2,639 votes casts, the margin of victory was 2,639 (100.00%)
In the 13 races for which we have results, Robin Shackleford had a record of 12-1. That includes a record of 5-1 in 6 general elections, and 7-0 in 7 primary elections.